Cramer sold out of AA today; so I followed.  I went in and out on his buys and sells.  Shows how silly it is to just follow and not contain your losses.  If you’ve followed me for a while you know this is always THE LESSON.  When will I learn?

Here is the painful news of the 30++% loss

3 AA 35 $5.93 $207.59 $902.09 TOTAL SPENT $289.89 LOSS
sept 30,2011 1-Nov-10 15 $13.19 $197.85 -$612.20 SOLD 32.14% BIG DOES NOT MEAN SAFE
$9.57 11/12/2010 -10 $13.37 -$133.70 $842.69 PAID
-4.77 11/19/2010 7 $13.33 $93.31 $59.40 FEES
-33.26% 11/22/2010 7 $13.19 $92.33
to get even= 12/3/2010 6 $13.90 $83.40
49.84% 12/9/2010 10 $14.08 $140.80
1/10/2011 -5 $16.46 -$82.30
4/8/2011 -5 $18.00 -$90.00
4/11/2011 -5 $17.85 -$89.25
5/10/2011 10 $17.40 $174.00
8/8/2011 5 $12.20 $61.00
12/28/2011 -35 $8.55 -$299.25

CCut your loses by minimizing how much loss you will take.  This will be my rule for 2012 wwhich it has not been.  Costs too much to recover!

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