“Fire the bums on the Super Committee” says Kass


Kass is so on target!!! How long have we been telling voters, “just say no” to these looser politicians.  There are many issues where they agree: their own healthcare, their own retirement, their own salaries, their own perks(housing, food, travel, staff, free communications etc.Where they differ?  How many crumbs the Country will receive and how many few crumbs the citizenry will receive?

So far the answer to last question is less and lesser!!

Read Kass–here are his recommendations:  While I am not surprised that our political leaders in the Super Committee have failed to come to any compromise, I am disappointed — and so are the futures market and markets around the world, as they are giving a Bronx cheer to the failure in Washington, D.C.  (I admit to being taken aback by the magnitude of the early drop in futures as most expected this outcome.)

Back in August I highlighted 10 changes that I would introduce if I were in power.

Based on the divisive and divided Republican and Democrats this morning, I would like to emphasize change No. 1 below this morning:

  1. Establish term limits for all our representatives.
  2. Limit government spending. Set a specific limitation on the annual gains in spending to be less than the increase in consumer price index.
  3. Develop a comprehensive jobs plan.
  4. Fix housing. Over 15 million homeowners are underwater with their mortgages, the shadow inventory of unsold homes is a drag on a housing recovery, and we must find a way to find a way to reemploy over 2 million former housing-related workers. We need a Marshall Plan for housing. I would suggest that the Obama administration reach out to the two most knowledgeable and smartest guys in the residential real estate markets, Eli Broad and Bob Toll. I would have them all meet in a locked room with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Geithner and President Obama (and his economic team).
  5. Raise taxes on the rich. Put a three-year income tax surcharge (of 10% to 15%) on incomes above $500,000.
  6. Create a health care czar and tackle our health care industry’s delivery and costs.
  7. Mean test entitlements, freeze entitlement payouts and gradually increase the social security retirement age to 70 years old.
  8. Exit Afghanistan and Iraq immediately. More effectively rationalize the defense budget and provide returning soldiers full tuition to vocational schools and colleges as they have sacrificed much.
  9. Build infrastructure. Set up an infrastructure bank, and place the money saved on defense into a massive build-out and improvement of the U.S. infrastructure base.
  10. Create energy self-sufficiency. Develop a comprehensive plan designed to rapidly develop all of our energy resources.

I say, Fire the bums on the Super Committee.

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