Yesterday Market Fell; Do you know Why?

Me neither–Yet the papers are filled with reasons; the TV has so many people talking, yelling, wringin’ their hands.  I’ve been trying to manage the risk of the Market vis a vis my reading of Finerman’s new book about life and the NYTimes columns on risk, probability AND mostly Kass’s cautions for weeks and weeks that we are sitting on a time bomb.  There is no reason for this RISE, Rise, rise.

It is hard to be so very analytic during moves, health issues (life as we know it), summer finally appearing, and the most gorgeous views out my windows.  But for the next few days I’m going to delve, pull apart the portfolio, and opine.  Stay with me.  Perhaps we will learn something.

In the meantime, watch, remember every stock has a personaltiy.  How is it acting?  Time to buy it, hold it or dump it OR just sit and rock.

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