Why has this election become A Gimmick? What about the Rest of US?

Look at Charlie Rose last night, or the Bloomberg Conference for Innovating Our Cities, or Tavis Smiley with another two-part series on Poverty and you can understand how these campaigns are being driven by TV and “news” coverage of the “issues”  and not a word about the real issues…the hunger, the homeless, the impossibility of getting a loan even though you can easily pay each month.  Everything the candidates concentrate on is a gimmick!  Yes, I will vote for Obama because I don’t want young women to go without birth control (as Romney’s father insisted upon when he was the Michigan Governor) or for the rich and powerful to get even more breaks (as candidate Romney espouses during his struggle for the nomination).  But I am not happy with Obama.  His lackluster concentration on employment or righting the losses in our retirement accounts (we were forced to give-up guaranteed retirements for 401Ks and then the Banks and traders brought down the financial system;   they were loaned money to get through the crisis that they created and We were “given” a $100 by Obama and Congress.)  CRIME!!   SHAME!!

Bernanke makes interest so low and the banks make the criteria for loaning this “free money” so high that only the well off or people with huge incomes, or people with guaranteed incomes and no debt can qualify.  Maybe this is more than the 1% but I guarantee you, no more than 10%.  What about the rest of Us?

When is someone going to help us? or address our jobs, our schools, our losses?

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